(381-451) Accused of teaching the historical Jesus a “mere man”. Vilent issue unjustly exaggerates (Nestorius overreacted to the Theotokos implication. Cyril misinterpreted Nestorius’ position). Nestorius saw in the definition of Chalcedon his own vindication. So did the monophysite. N really sustained the necessity of humanity in X for salvation. One indivisible prosopon containing 2 natures (ousiai). Autobiography Bazaar of Heracleides. Authentic humility.
Ordained presbyter by Fabian (c249) after his death and vacancy of the see took learderhip and intensified penitential discipline. When the moderate Cornelius was elected, he allowed himself to be ordained bishop. Relevance of his De Trinitate, a piece unequaled in the West before 350. Nevertheless, never uses trinitas and HS is not called “God” or “person”.