Sources on the Church Fathers
In the first Christian centuries, the Church was shaped in doctrine, theology, worship as well as spirituality by the writings of the so-called "Fathers." These shepherds developed deep insights into the mystery of God within their ecclesial, political, socio-economic and cultural contexts. The "Fathers" are still considered privileged witnesses of Tradition in the Church today.
This page lists the most important online sources for the study of the Church Fathers. Currently, we are also working on a dedicated Patristics portal to assist students and researchers in their work.
Patristic sources - Online
Church Fathers A-Z (Patristics Portal of the University of Graz, currently under construction)
Link to the portal
General sources
- Peres de l'Eglise (Patristic texts)
- University of Fribourg (not updated)
- Uni Fribourg (regular updates)
- Ebook, text archive (Free Online Book archive)
- Christian.net (various documents relating to the Early Church)
- Fourth Century
- Elpenor (Greek texts )
Patristic sources and secondary literature
- Sources chretiennes
- Earlychurch.org
- Corpus Scriptorum Eccesiasticorum Latinorum
- Princeton Library
- Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofia
- Fordham University
- Center for Augustine Research
- Patristique.org
- Center for early Christian studies
- Matthieu Cassin
- Department d'etudes grecques, latines or orientales
- Beth Mardutho (Syriac)
- Etudes syriaques (Syriac)
- International Association of Armenian Studies (Armenian)
Greek Church Fathers
- Oxford Patristics
- Church Fathers (Patristic for beginners)
- Early Christian writings (Church Fathers for beginners and non-academics)
- Documenta Catholica omnia (Greek documents and commentary)
- Patrologia graeca (Patristic commentary; old-style website layout)
- New Advent (texts about Church Fathers)
- Ecrits des Peres ( Patristic texts, French)
Latin Church Fathers
- Ecrits des Peres (Patristic texts)
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica (German history archive with Patristic documents)
- Christian classics ethereal library (Patristic texts)
- Early Christian writings (Patristic texts)
- University of Freiburg
- Documenta Catholica omnia latin
- The Latin Library (variety of Patristic texts)
- The Tertullian Project (texts and information about Tertullian)
- Oxford patristic
- Patrologia latina
- Early church father (tertullian.org)
- Sant'Agostino (websites for latin patristic information)
- Caritas Patrum
- Peres de l'Eglise (French Patristic website)
- New Advent
Syriac Church Fathers | Syriac Sources
currently in work
Coptic sources
Byzantine Studies
Further sources
Libraries and search engines
- Oxford University Byzantine Society
- Byzantine Studies
- Byzantine Studies Association of North America
- The North American Patristics Society
- BYU Library
- Beth Mathudo
Search Engines:
- The North American Patristic Society (Patristics North America)
- AIEP-IAPS (International Association of Patristic Society)
- SPBS (Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies) (British)
- Oxford University Byzantine Society
- Byzantine Studies
- Coptica (Coptic patristics)
- Monastic manuscript project
- Australasian Association of Byzantine Studies
- Patrsique.org (French Patristic/Latin)
- Fordham University (New York Byzantine)
- Japanese Society of patristic studies (Japan Patristic Latin and Greek)
- Etudes syriaques (Syriac)
Professional events and institutions by continent
- Comite francaise des Etudes Byzantines (Paris/ France).
- SPBS (England)
- Oxford University Byzantine Society (England)
- Byzantine Studies
- Ak-Patristics (Germany/ Ingolstadt)
- Coptica
- International Association of Byzantine Studies (France/Paris)
- Networks and Neighbors
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica (Germany)
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greek)
- St. Sergius Institute of Orthodox Theology Paris (France)
- International Association of Armenian Studies (Armenian)
- Etudes syriaques (Syriac)
- Center for Hellenic Studies
- NAPS (N.America)
- American Academy of Religion
- Canadian Society of patristic studies (Canada)