Ascetic, founder of movement emphasizing free will & good works. British monk. 390 in Rome, quarrel with SA at the end of his life. Corpus is disputed. Letter to Demetrias clear. Commented on Paul's 13 letters. Beginning of controversy is disputed. Celestius is condemned at synod of Cartage 411 (propositions as Adam's fault affected only himself; children are born in the same state as that of Adam before he sinned; even before X there were persons without sin). Pelagius ordained 415 in Ephesus. Pope Innocent I excommunicated Pelagius & Celestius. His successor Zosimus reinstated them, but then after pressure of emperor, Tractoria instating bishops of Italy to condemn Pelagius. Dies in Egypt.
Julian of Eclanum takes up the cause seeing Manichaeism in SA. Was Pelagius Pelagian? Questions in dispute were open ones. Today we cannot say that Pelagius denied grace and its need. Rationality and free will are not achievements but gifts. Pelagianism: ascetical and moral works. Only Orange (526) will be the middle term between two innovators