Justinian I
(482-565) Emperor 527-565, succeeded his uncle Justin I. Studied law and theology before serving as a prefect. One of the greatest emperors. Ascetic, regained Africa, Italy, and Spain. Most brilliant legacy in law(Codex, Institutiones, Novellae), Hagia Sophia, St. Catherine Sinai, St. Sabas. First emperor to take a personal interest in theology. Attempted to suppress remnants of paganism (school of Athens, 529) and heresies. Particular course with Monophysitism by the influence of his wife and political considerations. 553 theol. Consultation with 12 bishops; theopaschite formula: monogenh,j. 543 edict of three chapters (ThMop, ThCyrr, Ibas of Edessa). Theodora followed own independent policy. Monastery in CP for 500 monophysite monks. Raises Vigilius as b of Rome, allowed monoph to reorganize in Syria (Jacob Baradeus b of Edessa). 543 condemnation of Origenism. Nevertheless, 553 does not reconcile monoph. J's eventual aptharodocetism is disputed.